1998: What kind of a program is “Jimmy Nolan’s Speed Kills?” My main emphasis, in training, is to not only get you faster straight ahead, but faster laterally. Of course you will get faster straight-ahead at Speed Kills, but rarely, in any sport (besides track), will you run a straight line. You have to be able to move laterally before you can run that straight line. The athletes who can move side to side are the athletes that will play. Often I see a very fast athlete that cannot break down or move lateral; this athlete will see a lot of time on the team bench. The athletes that can move well, both straight and sideways, are the ones that dominate their sport…the ones I find the college scholarships for. There are NO other programs out there that emphasize this…WHY? I do not know…although I’ve seen a ton of “Speed Kills Copycats” popping up everywhere…although they usually only last a month or two.
…Hence, the SK philosophy of not just speed, but rather “speed AND quickness.”
update: 2008 – Will you get FASTER STAIGHT-AHEAD at Speed Kills? Heck yah! My athletes are the fastest in Southern Cali every year, for the past ten years, since I started this thing. It’s EASY to get you faster straight-ahead. The 2 ingredients necessary for speed are (1) commitment, and (2) consistency. The rest are little things I’ll teach you (stuff I taught myself through trial and error, and learning “what NOT to do”).
Anyone insisting “you must have a certain running style” or “use their specific running mechanics”, is ignorant. We all have our own style and rhythm we were born with. I’ll help you find YOUR WAY to run faster. Being “FAST” doesn’t equal “form” or “mechanics”…being “FAST” equals one word: PRODUCTIVITY / RESULTS…if you produce on the field, you are fast…if you make plays, you are fast.
I encourage athletes to arrive early, before we start the training session, to get a good stretch. You can never be too flexible (the more flexible you become will enable you to become faster and can limit injuries). My program usually lasts a lil’ longer than an hour. Everything we do will be “quality not quantity” and I’ll explain that when you start training.
The first part will consist of plyometric-like drills I’ve designed to enhance your foot-speed, quick-twitch muscles, coordination, and side-to-side mobility. Next we’ll work on our explosion or “get-off.” I will show you specific techniques and essential physical/mental ways of getting the fast start you desire. Then we’ll learn how to stay “light on our feet” and how to keep a tight base (“nose over toes”) with the way we maneuver our bodies. Now our warm-up is finished and it’s time to COMPETE.
The rest of the Speed Kills session is composed of game-simulation drills where you’ll compete against yourself and/or other quality athletes. I will put you into situations where you’ll be tired (both mentally and physically) and learn how to FOCUS (stay mentally sharp/strong) in order to dominate during crunch time.

Other programs out there will give you “one on one” training where:
You’ll pay much more
You won’t COMPETE and push yourself, and
You’ll probably be training on a treadmill inside a fancy gym (I’ve yet to find a sport where you’ll compete on a treadmill).
Ask Speed Kills veterans about my “Tag, Chase, Box, Harness, ABC-123, and Shuttle-Direction drills.” These are the Speed Kills drills that no other training company will offer…these are drills that you cannot buy out of a plyometric catalogue or website. The guys with the 2-day seminar “personal-trainer license” will not be able to teach these drills. There are no books on these drills. These drills separate Speed Kills from the competition. And the SK copycats do NOT run my drills right.
Speed Kills has been producing quality athletes since 1998. There are countless success stories and I’ve taken many 2nd/3rd string athletes and made them 1st string/All Leaguers. I’d also suggest you speak to people who have been to Speed Kills AND to “the other guys.” Ask them, “What’s the difference?”
If you are serious about not just preparing to play, but preparing to dominate, Speed Kills is ready ~ to MAKE YOU READY!
Wanna Dominate?
You can’t beat what you can’t catch!!
Speed Kills’ Speed and LATERAL Quickness Training Program.
Interested? Please Contact Us!